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written undertaking

См. также в других словарях:

  • undertaking */*/ — UK [ˈʌndə(r)ˌteɪkɪŋ] / US [ˈʌndərˌteɪkɪŋ] noun Word forms undertaking : singular undertaking plural undertakings 1) [countable] something difficult or complicated that you do Organizing a wedding is a major undertaking. 2) [countable] formal a… …   English dictionary

  • undertaking — un|der|tak|ing [ ʌndər,teıkıŋ ] noun * 1. ) count something difficult or complicated that you do: Organizing a wedding is a major undertaking. 2. ) count FORMAL a promise or agreement: He was required to give a written undertaking not to disclose …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • undertaking — / ʌndəˌteɪkɪŋ/ noun 1. a business ● He is the MD of a large commercial undertaking. 2. a promise, especially a legally binding one ● They have given us a written undertaking not to sell their products in competition with ours …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • undertaking — un·der·tak·ing n 1: a promise or pledge esp. required by law 2: something (as cash or a written promise) deposited or given as security esp. in a court ◇ Undertakings are often required of one party during property actions (as for attachment) in… …   Law dictionary

  • undertaking — noun 1 piece of work/business ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable (esp. BrE), large, major ▪ enormous, great, huge, massive, monumental …   Collocations dictionary

  • written — adj. Written is used with these nouns: ↑agreement, ↑answer, ↑apology, ↑application, ↑approval, ↑assignment, ↑assurance, ↑authorization, ↑comment, ↑communication, ↑confession, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • undertaking letter — document in which one pledges to work in a certain way, official written obligation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • undertaking — n 1. project, enterprise, venture, operation, campaign; program, proposition, deal; job, game, task, effort, work; contract, commitment, obligation, commission, assignment; pursuit, quest, search. 2. promise, pledge, assurance, word, solemn word …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Managing the Details of an Undertaking — Compilation album /DVD package by Counterfit …   Wikipedia

  • As a noun, an undertaking or promise that is collateral to the primary or principal obligation and that binds the guarantor to performance in the event of nonperformance by the principal obligor. — As a noun, an undertaking or promise that is collateral to the primary or principal obligation and that binds the guarantor to performance in the event of nonperformance by the principal obligor. A provision contained in a written document, such… …   Law dictionary

  • CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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